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The Capetian Century 1214-1314

The History Department at Princeton University presents

The Capetian Century, 1214 to 1314

Princeton, March 28-29, 2014
Dickinson Hall 211 

Co-sponsored by
The Council of Humanities, Princeton University
Program in Medieval Studies, Princeton University

FRIDAY, March 28 ,2014

1:30 – 3:15
William Jordan (Princeton University) The Capetian Century: Introduction

John Baldwin (Johns Hopkins University), The Consequences of Bouvines, 1214-1314

Alexis Charansonnet (Université Lumiere Lyon 2), Rivalry between France and England in the 13th Century: the Sermons of Cardinal Eudes de Châteauroux, 1190? – 1273)

Coffee break

3:30 – 5:00
Chair: Sara S. Poor (Princeton University)

Brigitte Bedos-Rezak (New York University), The Ambiguity of Representation: Semiotic Roots of Political Consent in Capetian France

William Courtenay (University of Wisconsin-Madison), The Capetian Monarchy and the University of Paris, 1200-1314

Coffee break

Chair: Gabrielle Spiegel (Johns Hopkins University)

Elizabeth A.R. Brown (Prof. em. of History, The City University of New York), Philip the Fair and his Ministers: Guillaume de Nogaret and Enguerran de Marigny

Elisabeth Lalou (Université de Rouen), Le Philippe le Bel de Robert Fawtier

SATURDAY, March 29, 2014

9:00 – 10:30
Chair: Adam Beaver (Princeton University)

Hagar Barak (Princeton University), The Managerial Revolution of the 13th Century

Xavier Hélary
(Université de Paris IV – Sorbonne), What can we know about Philip III

Coffee break

10:45 – 12:15
Chair: Jenna Phillips (Princeton University)

Paul Crawford (California University of Pennsylvania), The Familial Context of Renaud
of Châtillon

Jochen Burgtorf (California State University), Travels, Troubles, and Trials: The
Montaigu Family between Capetian France and Lusignan Cyprus (1204-1344)

1:15 – 3:30
Chair: Helmut Reimitz (Princeton University)

Anne Lester (University of Colorado), Saint Louis and Cîteaux Revisited: Cistercian
Commemoration and Devotion during the Capetian Century, 1214-1314

Cecilia Gaposchkin (Dartmouth College), Kingship and Crusade in the First Four
Moralized Bibles

Sean Field (University of Vermont), King/Confessor/Inquisitor: A Capetian-Dominican

3:45 – 5:15
Chair: William Jordan (Princeton University)

Helen Nicholson (University of Cardiff), What became of the Templars after the Trial of

Julien Théry (Centre d’études médiévales de Montpellier), The French Monarchy and
Heresy, from Philip Augustus until Philip the Fair


avec notamment Alexis Charansonnet

Colloque international

USA, Princeton (NJ), Dickinson Hall 211

Vendredi 28 Mars 2014 - Samedi 29 Mars 2014