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[halshs-03086740] Bilet and the wider world. New insights into the archaeology of Islam in Tigray

Derniers dépôts du CIHAM sur HAL SHS - Thu, 17/11/2022 - 17:34
Recent survey and excavation have found substantial evidence for medieval Muslim communities in Eastern Tigray. Although settlement of Muslims nearby modern Kwiha was previously known based on epigraphic evidence, its exact location remained unnoticed. Fieldwork with the support of the ERC project HornEast resulted in the identification of the site of Bilet and in the first excavation of a medieval Muslim cemetery on the Ethiopian highlands, along with the survey of several other Muslim cemeteries in the area. New evidence is highlighting the flourishing of Muslim communities, connected with the wider Islamicate world, at the very heart of the Zagwe Christian kingdom. These Muslim communities developed from both foreign and local populations and were well connected with the wider Islamicate world.

[halshs-03405598] Albalat: posibilidades y limitaciones de los análisis faunísticos para la caracterización de los últimos momentos de un asentamiento fronterizo andalusí

Derniers dépôts du CIHAM sur HAL SHS - Thu, 17/11/2022 - 17:32
El asentamiento de Albalat (en la actual Extremadura) vivió su último periodo de actividad en la primera mitad del siglo XII, con una comunidad islamizada bien estructurada y un marcado carácter castrense debido a su situación fronteriza con los reinos cristianos. Uno de los retos de este trabajo es evaluar el impacto del hipotético desgate económico que pudo conllevar un ambiente de guerra latente a través del registro faunístico. Además de informar sobre la explotación del entorno natural, los resultados muestran como algunos recursos (cuernas de cérvido y conchas de Unionidae) fueron aprovechados en actividades artesanales que convivieron con la agricultura y con una ganadería que, como ocurre en general en al-Andalus, se basaba en la cría de Caprini domesticos. Las limitaciones del sistema económico generadas por la situación bélica quedan reflejadas en sistemas de carnicería muy simples (al parecer, desarrollados por los propios consumidores finales) y una importante contribución a la dieta de animales que aparecen como marginales en el resto de Al-Andalus (vacunos jóvenes, cérvidos y, sobre todo, equinos), que relacionamos con una disponibilidad escasa de los Caprini domesticos consumidos normalmente. Finalmente, el análisis de algunos patrones detectados en la disposición estratigráfica de los restos indica que el proceso de declive no se limitó únicamente al asedio final, sino que fue de larga duración, permitiendo el desarrollo de varios niveles de vertidos que sufrieron adecuaciones diversas para mantener el uso de calles y espacios privados.

Cycle de conférences Jean-Pouilloux (2022-2023)

Calenda - Histoire médiévale - Thu, 17/11/2022 - 00:00
Le cycle des conférences Jean Pouilloux, proposé par la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerrannée, présente chaque année une dizaine de conférences mensuelles sur l'actualité des recherches menées par les laboratoires de la fédération ou dans leurs thématiques.

A networked urban world: small, medium, and large cities (from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Times)

Calenda - Histoire médiévale - Wed, 16/11/2022 - 00:00
The interest of urban historiography on small towns has manifested itself, continuously, but not very intensely, since the 1980s, namely through the study of urban hierarchies, the spatial distribution of towns in a region, or city/city relations. Until now, however, the topic of the relationships established between small, medium and large cities, although not omitted, is far from being able to be considered consolidated as a research topic. Mainly, the place that small towns occupy/occupied in large-scale interconnection phenomena and what are the components, modalities, intensity, and relevance of their (eventual) involvement was little questioned.

[hal-03736532] HTR Models and genericity for Medieval Manuscripts

Derniers dépôts du CIHAM sur HAL SHS - Mon, 14/11/2022 - 16:44
Within the infrastructure of the CREMMA project (Consortium for Handwriting Recognition of Ancient Materials) supported by the DIM (research funded by the Île-de-France Region) MAP (Ancient and Heritage Materials), the CREMMALab 1 project combines research questions, creation and release of data from medieval French literary manuscripts for HTR. The objective of the CREMMALab project is to propose open training data and HTR models for medieval documents. All data and models produced by the project are already available in the CREMMA Medieval repository (Pinche 2022) on HTR-united catalogue (Chagué, Clérice, and Chiffoleau, 2021). In accordance with this objective, the project implements transcription protocols to optimise the training of HTR models and to produce homogeneous and shareable data and models.

[halshs-03506180] Old Fiddle, Good Tune

Derniers dépôts du CIHAM sur HAL SHS - Mon, 14/11/2022 - 16:08
In this article the author presents and edits a set of texts, two model sermons "In capite ieiunii" and two Parisian reportationes by the same preacher, Gilbert of Tournai (OFM , d. 1284), at different moments of his career. The study of those texts offers a rare insight into the mental toolbox of a preacher, showing how Gilbert was able to craft different sermons, over a number of years, by recycling, repurposing and enriching a favourite set of preaching material. This also raises the issue of transmission and transformations of the preaching material, through the prism of live performances, memory, and written records.

Passés politisés. Usages politiques du passé antique et médiéval au XXIe siècle

Calenda - Histoire médiévale - Mon, 14/11/2022 - 00:00
L’histoire, et notamment l’histoire antique et médiévale, continue d’alimenter les usages politiques les plus divers, qu’il s’agisse de nourrir le roman national le plus réactionnaire ou au contraire de venir légitimer certaines luttes sociales d’avant-garde. Pour ce neuvième numéro de la revue Frontière·s, nous invitons les auteur·ices à s’intéresser aux usages récents (de 2000 à nos jours) du passé antique et médiéval dans l’élaboration des idéologies et des pratiques poli­tiques contemporaines, tous médias et sujets confondus.

Historiographies antiques

Calenda - Histoire médiévale - Mon, 14/11/2022 - 00:00
Le séminaire Historiographies antiques est un séminaire de recherche sur l'écriture de l'histoire dans l'Antiquité, croisant les approches philologiques, historiques, archéologiques et philosophiques. Il est ouvert à tous et toutes à partir du niveau master. Il a lieu simultanément en présentiel, à l'École normale supérieure de Paris, et à distance.
